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How to Display Your Bitcoin Wallet Value on Your Website with Just a Few Lines of Code

Bitcoin is a popular cryptocurrency, and many people are investing in it as a store of value or for trading. If you are one of them, you might be interested in displaying the value of your Bitcoin wallet on your website. In this blog post, we will explore how you can add a simple script to your website to display your Bitcoin wallet balance and value in USD.

The code we will be using is a few lines of JavaScript code that uses two APIs – blockchain.info and Coindesk. By calling these APIs and manipulating the data, the code fetches the balance of a specific Bitcoin wallet address and calculates its value in USD. Here are some examples of how this code can be useful:

  1. Show your Bitcoin wallet balance on your e-commerce website – If you are running an e-commerce website that accepts Bitcoin as payment, you can display the balance of your Bitcoin wallet on your website. This will help your customers understand how much Bitcoin they need to pay for their purchases.
  2. Monitor your Bitcoin investment on your personal blog – If you have a personal blog where you share your experiences of investing in Bitcoin, you can use this code to display your Bitcoin wallet value. This will help your readers see how your investment is performing over time.
  3. Keep track of Bitcoin donations on your non-profit website – If you are running a non-profit website that accepts Bitcoin donations, you can use this code to display the value of your Bitcoin donations in USD. This will help you keep track of your donations and understand their impact on your organization.

Adding this code to your website is very simple. All you need to do is copy and paste the code into your website’s HTML code, and replace the Bitcoin wallet address in the code with your own Bitcoin wallet address. Once you have done that, your website will display your Bitcoin wallet balance and value in USD.

In conclusion, displaying your Bitcoin wallet value on your website can be a useful way to keep track of your Bitcoin investments or to show your customers how much Bitcoin they need to pay for their purchases. With just a few lines of JavaScript code, you can add this feature to your website and impress your visitors with your Bitcoin expertise.


<script type="text/javascript">
function getBalance() {
  // Get the address balance from blockchain.info
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(balance => {
      // Format the balance as a fraction by dividing by 100,000,000
      const formattedBalance = balance / 100000000;
      // Get the current price of BTC from Coindesk API
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
          // Get the BTC price in USD
          const priceUSD = data.bpi.USD.rate_float;
          // Calculate the balance value in USD
          const balanceValue = formattedBalance * priceUSD;
          // Update the HTML in the DIVI text module
          document.getElementById("textModuleId").innerHTML = `
            Address balance: ${formattedBalance} BTC <br>
            Current price of BTC: $${priceUSD} <br>
            Balance value at current rate: $${balanceValue.toFixed(2)}

// Call the getBalance function once the page loads
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", getBalance);

// Call the getBalance function every time the "refresh-button" is clicked
document.getElementById("refreshButtonId").addEventListener("click", getBalance);



Generic text here get’s dynamically updated.