(602) 399 - 3946 Admin@Geoff.Pro

There are really only three reasons why I blog.

  • Giving away free artwork that I’ve created.
  • Posting new chapters to books I’m working on.
  • Writing about technology.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am passionate about my tech. Whether it’s a new computer system, or that new bit of mathematics from some obscure white paper that I perused. It finds it’s way into my dreams for the future and thus a fair bit of it makes it’s way into my writing. Along the way, when I get bored, I create free high end Photoshop elements for websites, presentations and print media.

I’m always looking for new ideas, stories and artwork. If you have need of my talents in creating that perfect graphic design element or layout, please let me know. I enjoy a challenge.

BTC Balance in Javascript

BTC Balance in Javascript

With just a few lines of JavaScript code, you can add this feature to your website and impress your visitors with your Bitcoin expertise.

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Growing Your Personal Brand

Growing Your Personal Brand

Feeling creative? Want your new prospective employers to be able to see who you really are and not just what a boring resume says about you? You need a Personal Resume Website.

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My name is Inanna Shadowlore Smith, and I am of the Southern folk, those near the Cape of Heroes. My primary trade is that of the smith as is evidenced by my last name, but that is not who I am…

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Beach Musings

Beach Musings

I spent a large portion of my time on the beach watching the stories of other people. The couple being goaded into…

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Yay New Blog

Yay New Blog

I’m excited about the idea of blogging. Not for the undiscovered swarms of people that probably will loath everything I say…

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New Icon for ABCo

New Icon for ABCo

Working on a new favicon.ico for AustinBlairCo. It scales because it’s all fonts and path traced borders. Very visible at 32×32 all the way up to 800×800 and beyond.

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Classic Letter Polaroid

Classic Letter Polaroid

This PSD file is built in Photoshop CS4 version 11.00 and includes images for the heavy paper, the polaroid, the paperclip and several shadow images.

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22 Layer PSD file

22 Layer PSD file

I mocked up a new business card back for ABC Construction today. The PSD file is 1980 x 1080 with 22 fully customizable layers.

Click HERE to download the PSD.

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There are really only three reasons why I blog.

  • Giving away free artwork that I’ve created.
  • Posting new chapters to books I’m working on.
  • Writing about technology.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am passionate about my tech. Whether it’s a new computer system, or that new bit of mathematics from some obscure white paper that I perused. It finds it’s way into my dreams for the future and thus a fair bit of it makes it’s way into my writing. Along the way, when I get bored, I create free high end Photoshop elements for websites, presentations and print media.

I’m always looking for new ideas, stories and artwork. If you have need of my talents in creating that perfect graphic design element or layout, please let me know. I enjoy a challenge.

BTC Balance in Javascript

BTC Balance in Javascript

With just a few lines of JavaScript code, you can add this feature to your website and impress your visitors with your Bitcoin expertise.

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Growing Your Personal Brand

Growing Your Personal Brand

Feeling creative? Want your new prospective employers to be able to see who you really are and not just what a boring resume says about you? You need a Personal Resume Website.

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My name is Inanna Shadowlore Smith, and I am of the Southern folk, those near the Cape of Heroes. My primary trade is that of the smith as is evidenced by my last name, but that is not who I am…

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Beach Musings

Beach Musings

I spent a large portion of my time on the beach watching the stories of other people. The couple being goaded into…

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Yay New Blog

Yay New Blog

I’m excited about the idea of blogging. Not for the undiscovered swarms of people that probably will loath everything I say…

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There are really only three reasons why I blog.

  • Giving away free artwork that I’ve created.
  • Posting new chapters to books I’m working on.
  • Writing about technology.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am passionate about my tech. Whether it’s a new computer system, or that new bit of mathematics from some obscure white paper that I perused. It finds it’s way into my dreams for the future and thus a fair bit of it makes it’s way into my writing. Along the way, when I get bored, I create free high end Photoshop elements for websites, presentations and print media.

I’m always looking for new ideas, stories and artwork. If you have need of my talents in creating that perfect graphic design element or layout, please let me know. I enjoy a challenge.

BTC Balance in Javascript

BTC Balance in Javascript

With just a few lines of JavaScript code, you can add this feature to your website and impress your visitors with your Bitcoin expertise.

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Growing Your Personal Brand

Growing Your Personal Brand

Feeling creative? Want your new prospective employers to be able to see who you really are and not just what a boring resume says about you? You need a Personal Resume Website.

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My name is Inanna Shadowlore Smith, and I am of the Southern folk, those near the Cape of Heroes. My primary trade is that of the smith as is evidenced by my last name, but that is not who I am…

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Beach Musings

Beach Musings

I spent a large portion of my time on the beach watching the stories of other people. The couple being goaded into…

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Yay New Blog

Yay New Blog

I’m excited about the idea of blogging. Not for the undiscovered swarms of people that probably will loath everything I say…

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